Monday, June 14, 2010


another phase ending.
another story written.
another experience forever treasured.
that's life; and onto a new voyage! [insert pirate ship music]
>> last year back at SD living off campus. haha. definitely excited!

gonna miss this island, but it's not like i'll never return. :{D

now, On with the list of loves:

the usual and obvious: FOOD
hot pot
japanese restaurants EEL BENTO
viet sandwich
red bean dorayaki stuff
rice balls!
all the taro
various organs
bread bread The Bread
gua bao
niuroumian :D
cong zhua bin

how I get student discounts!
how I'm in a double but haven't seen my roommate in 3 weeks
how being on the first floor allows me to eavesdrop quite easily (but hate the lack of sunlight and crappy view)
how everyone hang dries their clothing (even on rainy days)
how clothes dry overnight
how cheap doing laundry is
how i'm not really involved in campus/club activities

trips, hangouts with friends
KTV lalala
lunch on the dorm rooftop
walking to places, getting semi-lost
speaking chinese, listening to taiwanese
buying beer anytime to drink
cheap gym prices/ swimming!
sitting in lobby to save electricity
having my mom around to take me places
not having to go through exchange rates
shopping for useless but cute, cheap stuff
skipping class
river rafting, river tracing
seeing ETHAN YUAN filming commercial in 7-11 by our dorms
buying fruit at night market stands
buying T-shirts, printed ones.
king's cup
scoooooters, penghu
the tiny square parks in between buildings
first time tasting durian and not hating it
seeing all the sakura and azaleas bloom
watching leaves on trees gradually grow
that people wear masks when they have a cough


  1. :{D <- Moustached :D, hehe *<|:{D almost Santa Claus

    the food sounds yummy! how everyone hang dries their clothing, awesome (I seem to have this thing for clothespins and laundry lines... maybe it's the vintage-ness of it, dunno). lunch on the dorm rooftop, sounds like something out of a manga, since they always seem to eat lunch on rooftops, hehe. shopping for useless but cute, cheap stuff, the best! that people wear masks when they have a cough, haha.
